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Now that we know who you are, I know who I am. I'm not a mistake! It all makes sense! In a comic, you know how you can tell who the arch-villain's going to be? He's the exact opposite of the hero.

Bulk Email

Bulk email is the linchpin in any online fundraising program. The ARCOS bulk email tools allows you to send messages quickly, to any size list, targeted in cut by any data field in our system. You can send regularly scheduled mailings based on user data. Our reporting tools make it easy to tell at a glance how effective your mailing program is, and lets you drill down to see how you can get the most out of your messages.

Scheduled Mailings

Scheduled Mailings, along with our powerful ARCOS Segmentation tool, allows your organization to send triggered messages via our sophisticated -- yet easy-to-use -- platform. Define segments on based on user-defined data or transaction history and send messages based on a predefined schedule. You can easily and automatically send emails for users whose memberships are on the verge of lapsing or for donors who have not given for a set period of time. You can even send a simple birthday greeting to your supporters to show you value their relationship.

Mailing Statistics

ARCOS provides a full suite of reporting and analytical tools for managing and monitoring the progress of your email action and fundraising campaigns. ARCOS reports data in real time and makes it accessible in standard formats for integration with third-party analytical tools. Track the sends, failures, soft bounces, hard bounces, opens, unique opens, viral open score, unique click score, and even viral click scores -- all through a simple reporting interface that makes data useful again. Additional reports include:

Campaign Reports

Campaign reports allow you to analyze a group of emails within a designated campaign and aggregate the results in an easy-to-use report.

Financial Statistics

Use this report to determine the success of a campaign or an individual email. Track the total dollars raised, contributions, donors, first-time donors, new members, the average contribution size, and much more. Available by campaign or by individual emails, track total dollars raised, contributions, unique donors, first time donors, new members, average gift, and more.

Domain Statistics

Pressing send is not enough! With domain-level reporting, you can ensure that your emails are getting through. Instantly see whether large ISPs or email providers are holding up your campaigns and make sure that your fundraising program stays on course.

Comparative Analysis Report

When you have tens of thousands of dollars or more on the line for each email you send, you can’t just trust the ISPs. Our 30-day comparative report makes it easy for you to see email performance across ISPs.

Link Tracking Report

Our link report lets you see where people are clicking in your emails, whether they’re using HTML or text-only, how many people are clicking through, and whether your messages are effectively converting readers into donors.