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Now that we know who you are, I know who I am. I'm not a mistake! It all makes sense! In a comic, you know how you can tell who the arch-villain's going to be? He's the exact opposite of the hero.

The ARCOS platform provides all of the fundraising tools necessary for your organization to be fundraise online, and all our tools are customizable to meet your needs. Every contribution made via the ARCOS platform goes directly to your merchant account in real time, saving your organization money as you raise the dollars you need. ARCOS supports fundraising and third-party codes for tracking email campaigns, advertising, and donor performance.

One-Time Donations

The one-time donation page is the simplest option for users who want to give. You can customize the appeal language, required fields collected, contribution amounts, thank-you page confirmation, and thank-you email message.

Recurring Contributions

ARCOS supports the most advanced form of recurring contributions available today: donor-defined recurring gifts. Donors can select to make a one-time gift, or a gift that recurs every week, month, or year for a term defined by the donor. You can also turn off the advanced features and only allow recurring giving on a monthly basis.


ARCOS supports new member and recurring membership processing in real time. Members can select membership levels and amounts as defined by your organization. Members provide information to appear on their membership card or other acknowledgement (even if that information is different from their billing information). ARCOS can sync membership information (for renewals) automatically with offline or third-party systems.

PAC Fundraising

ARCOS allows your political action committee to raise funds for campaigns and bundle them in compliance with federal regulations. Donors can choose to give to give to individual or multiple recipients and “tip” your organization with an additional contribution. Campaigns are informed that the donations originated with your organization, ensuring that you get the credit.

Community Fundraising

The ARCOS Community Fundraising Dashboard allows users to do your fundraising for you. Your users can set a personal fundraising goal, customize their fundraising page title and content, add their own pictures and videos, select what amounts they want to ask of their friends, email and share their progress with their friends, and even add a progress banner on their own website. Your organization can customize the fundraising “thermometer” with any image that represents the organization and its fundraising goals. Advanced community moderation tools track individual progress and the donors they bring into the network through their community fundraising pages.